Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Lance Armstrong

I Think Lance Armstrong is the greatest. The only other athlete career I followed so closely was Michael Jordan's, especially during the final years of his career when, as with Armstrong, everyone wondered whether he could be champion one more year. Jordan ended his "first" career on top, but he came back two years later for a short, forgettable, return. Armstrong shouldn't dilute the power of his career with a return, but leave powerfully and forever as he has. Would also be fitting of a man of such character. He has never seemed to be a person who has any problem focusing or facing a challenge. Retirement, and the lure of "just one more win", may be the biggest challenge any athlete can ever face. I can imagine it will be very difficult for Armstrong to sit on the sidelines of next year's Tour, believing that if he were riding, he'd still be the man to beat. Fighting this voice, and maintaining the incredible legacy of his career undiluted and intact - as the man that no one could beat, the man that left on top, the man that proved himself the best against two generations of cyclists - will be the last great challenge of his professional cycling career.